Well there isn't quite 7 Disney princesses shown, but the Tinkerbell there is an appropriate choice for her sin of Envy. Coming to me via Twitter from user @DeeNuke who found it on Tumbler, which came from DeviantART (isn't the internet fun!). You can check out artist chill07's Disney inspired 7 Deadly Sins where you'll see Jasmine as Wrath, Ariel as Greed, Cinderella as Lust which I found very fitting and a few others that I'm sure you can figure out. If the sins just aren't your thing you can also check out 7 Virtures with the Dinsey princesses from artist pat7 that was also discovered by @DeeNuke aka Andreea D. Personally I love Chris Hill's (chil07) art style and after checking out his page I hope to see more from him in the future. His coloring in particular is very good and what really makes the art stand out. So sit back and take in some cool art with everyone's favorite Disney women.