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Marvel Comics on Google’s Chrome

Marvel Entertainment is proud to announce Marvel Comics on Chrome, available free via Google’s Chrome Web Store. Optimized for the Google Chrome Web browser and utilizing the power of HTML 5 technology, this Web-based app offers over 1,600 comics available for single issue purchase to read on your PC or Mac!

"Marvel Comics on Chrome is the next step of Marvel’s commitment to making high definition digital comics available to users anytime, anywhere,” explained Ira Rubenstein, Executive Vice President, Global Digital Media Group. “We’re sure users of the Google Chrome Web browser will love this digital comics experience.”

Plus, are you already a current Marvel App for iOS user? Well, here's another way for YOU, the Marvel App for iOS user, to read your already purchased Marvel comics! 

That’s right, buy a comic on the Marvel Comics App for iOS and that same comic will be accessible to you via the Chrome Store AT NO EXTRA COST!
So keep on purchasing comics through your Marvel Comics App for iOS – then read them as you normally would on your iPad, iPhone and/or iPod touch and, now, via the Chrome store on your desktop or laptop computer!*
Enjoy Marvel Comics! Anytime. Anywhere.
 *IMPORTANT NOTE: Comic purchases made directly through the Chrome store may ONLY be viewed on Chrome. So, if you want to be able to read Marvel Comics on your iOS device(s) and Chrome, you must buy them via the Marvel Comics App.



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