The series starts with Comic Book Guy posting on his blog his reenactment of many famous death scenes from movies and comics. Comic Book Guy then stumbles across an ad for a new Lard Lad mascot and he goes for the tryouts. He is defeated by a man going by the title Graphic Novel Kid, but the car he's in blows up. At a movie memorabilia auction, there is an accident and Comic Book Guy is also blown up! Two deaths in one issue, crazy!
After a guest appearance and spoken eulogy by Stan "The Man" Lee himself, the citizens of Springfield watch Comic Book Guy's video will and Marge ends up being the new owner of the Android's Dungeon. Marge then changes the store, making it child friendly (no violent comics, oh no's!). The craziness then escalates as it is revealed the only critic on the internet was Comic Book Guy, so now directors make whatever movie they wish (which are all bad) and this in turn makes the internet unsafe. Which forces the President to shut it down. Then with a climactic ending as a war between Nerds and Geeks kicks off.
The war rages on and nowhere in Springfield is safe! Well until Homer pushes one of them and they all cower in defeat. Meanwhile, Bart is trying to find something else to do as he now hates the comic shop since Marge's interference. Both Marge and Lisa have dreams that The Comic Book Guy is not dead, but when digging up his grave they find his charred body.
Lisa finds Comic Book Guy's journals and they discover his "secret origin". With sarcasm and insulting no longer in existence (because Comic Book Guy was the only one doing these things) some citizens have made a secret Sarcasm and Insult Cub, which Homer stumbles upon. Lisa still does not believe Comic Book Guy is dead and continues to investigate.
After Lisa, Homer, Bart, Ralph and Grampa perform a séance, Comic Book Guy appears confusing many people. Lisa attempts to solve all the mysteries, with some input from Comic Book Guy. After many bizarre twists and turns and explaining what seemed to be random problems throughout Springfield, the mystery is solved!
Ian Boothby wrote the script for this mini-series and hats off to him, he knew what he was doing (which is not surprising as he has written many Simpsons comics). These comics really feel like episodes of "The Simpsons" and is truly an epic like the "Who Shot Mr. Burns" saga. The comedy in this series was great, full of references to other comics and their characters as well as movies and t.v shows though not the only humour. Each "Simpsons" character stays true to their personalities and there is a large cast, which just adds to the story telling. Who would have known that one person, seeming to be almost a pointless character (and I stress "almost") would have such a large impact on Springfield and America. John Delaney (Adventures in The DC Universe, Simpsons Comics) easily pencils the comic to look like the cartoon. Dan Davis (Superboy and the Ravers) on inks and Nathan Hamill (Simpsons Comics) on colors also work well in bringing the yellow people to life.
In all I found the humor and bizarre twists in this series an extremely enjoyable read and I recommend it to anyone who is a fan of anything Matt Groening or just want a laugh and a break from the seriousness that is present in most other comics.
Overall Plot - 9.5
Pencils - 9.0
Inks - 9.0
Colors - 9.0
Total - 9.1