Top Cow’s 2010 convention tours wraps this weekend in Richmond, Virigina, with the two-day VA Comicon from November 20-21.Fans who stop by the Top Cow booth will be able to pick up convention exclusives, preview books and free goodies, and celebrate the success of this year’s action-packed event series Artifacts. Among the creators appearing at the booth will be Top Cow publisher Filip Sablik (Asset, Last Mortal), John Mahoney (Last Mortal) and Bill Tucci (Shi). Sablik will also be available throughout the show for portfolio reviews for aspiring artists.
The publisher will be offering three exclusive VA Comicon variants for the event: two blank sketch Artifacts #3 variants and a wraparound Artifacts #3 variant, by Tucci. The exclusives are limited and will be initially made at VA Comicon.
For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit For more information from Top Cow, please visit or follow them on Twitter (@TopCow).
Be sure to check out our review for Artifacts # 3 here!