Turn off the Lights

Nancy in Hell 1 of 4 – Review

Hey guess what? There’s a hell! And no matter what you do you’re going there! This is the world according to Nancy in Hell. Nancy was just your average girl until she woke up drowning in hell. Yup, that’s hell’s welcoming to you, dunking your head in blood trying to drown you. Fortunately Nancy is a little tougher than most and kicks the demon in the balls and runs away. Soon she’s rescued by other humans that take her to one of the few human outposts in hell.

At the outpost, Phil (short for Philosopher) orientates her on hell and the lay of the land. She’s given a countdown clock on her current form. As people are in hell they slowly disintegrate until they’re mush and then absorbed by hell itself as nutrients. That is if they survive the numerous amounts of demons hunting them for food and fun. The strange thing about hell is that is supplies many of the comforts of earth. Booze flows freely as well as guns, cigarettes and other objects that can be hazardous to your health.

Nancy in Hell 1Nancy’s orientation is short lived as a gang of demons attack the outpost. They kill nearly everyone in the bar including Phil, Nancy’s would be mentor. She manages to make it out of the outpost, but is soon discovered by another group of demons. This time Nancy decides that enough is enough and begins kicking all sorts of demon ass. Things begin to look hopeless as the demon’s numbers are far greater than hers… that is until Lucifer shows up.

Nancy in Hell is a fun romp through hell. It seems that if you’re going to put out a book about hell, that Image is probably the best place to do it. The story is fairly interesting and homages to Army of Darkness with Nancy’s attitude and tool set, ie. Chainsaw. Writer El Torres does a decent job of setting up the mini-series.

The art is by far the most impressive part of the issue. Juan Jose Ryp (Black Summer, No Hero) has an amazing style that fits the story. His overly detail pencils and pens are wonderful for the visual of hell. What’s even more amazing is that Ryp’s overly detailed art is never cluttered or unrecognizable. Even with everything going on in each frame, every little detail stands out and is never lost in the background.

Is this book a game changer like Black Summer? No. But it is a fun little story with some fantastic art that definitely makes it worth checking out. Artistically it’s something out of the norm for Image, but this could mean that Image is trying to usher in yet another age of comics that have a heavy focus on the art.

Story – 6.0

Art – 9.0

Color – 7.0

Overall – 7.3



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