Sony has recently released a new trailer for Media Molecule’s latest installment of the LittleBigPlanet franchise. The new footage reveals a “Cosmic-sized Adventure” where Sackboy will navigate his way across over fifty levels of gameplay. He will also have some support in the form of “The Alliance” which seems to be a group of special non-playable characters who will contribute to a more story-centric LBP2. In addition to new friends, Sackboy will now have an antagonist in the form of “The Evil Negativitron”, a dark presence that wants to destroy Craft World and everything inside.
The trailer also revealed more in-depth control of vehicles and little programmable AI Sackboys along with interesting new gadgets such as the grappling hook, power glove and the “Creatinator”, a gun that sprays foam that hardens into solid matter. The grappling hook and power glove closely resemble tools found in the Zelda franchise and suggest a shift in focus from the usual platforming found in the first game into the action adventure genre. The new features exponentially increase the potential for fresh user-created content now that story elements have been given a greater emphasis.
LittleBigPlanet 2 is scheduled for release on November 16th 2010 exclusively for the Playstation 3.