The British series Broadchurch, which premiered to massive ratings on ITV in Britain this spring before airing on BBC America this summer, will now have a novelization of its story written by Chris Chibnall.
Chibnall, who wrote the series, will be adding additional material to the novel that did not appear in the series, including fleshing out various characters and adding deeper backstory. The past several months have been quite busy for the Broadchurch creative team, as it was recently announced that Fox will be remaking the series for American audiences.
The new American series will feature David Tennant, who also starred in the British version, portraying an American detective who arrives in a small town to investigate the death of a young boy. There has not been much information regarding how the American version will differ from the British series (which is expected to begin shooting a second season this winter, presumably without Tennant), but the news of the American remake has been met with skepticism by many critics who have praised the original for its excellent work.