Monster Hunter Frontier, the Xbox 360/PC MMO based off of Capcom’s popular action RPG, will be released on Wii U and PS3 later this year in Japan.
Dubbed Monster Hunter Frontier G, this version will be the same as the most updated version of what Xbox 360 and PC players are currently playing, but PS3 and Wii U players will be playing off of separate servers. The game will be free to download off of the eShop/PSN and will have a one-week preview period, but a 1,400 yen monthly fee will be required to continue afterwards. A boxed version will also be available for 6,090 yen, though what’s in it versus the free downloadable version is currently unknown.
The Wii U version of Frontier G will support the Pro Controller as well as utilize the Gamepad much like Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Capcom is also testing certain features as well, such as trophy support for the PS3 version and 3DS support for the Wii U one.
The PS3 version of Monster Hunter Frontier G launches in Japan on November 20th, while the Wii U version releases soon after on December 11. The game as of now has no plans to leave Japan, but with the recent success of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, it’s not at all impossible.