Amazon's recently announced Kindle Worlds aims to create the first official place to publish works of fan fiction. Considered a controversial move by some, creators don't seem to have the same qualms. Many authors have already signed deals with Amazon allowing for fan fictions based on their works to be published in the marketplace. And now added to that list? Comic book publisher Valiant Entertainment.
Some of you probably know who Valiant is and just went "oh, cool," but for those of you caught unawares, here's the skinny. Valiant is the winner of the 2012 Diamond Gem Award for Best Comic Book Publisher and is responsible for such titles as X-O Manowar, Archer & Armstrong, Bloodshot, and many more.
What does that mean for you, the FF Author? Well for your steamy Archer & Armstrong slash fiction, Amazon offers a royalty rate of 35% of the total revenue for FF of at least 10,000 words and 20% for stories between 5,000 and 10,000 words.
Think about it
An interesting turn for comics indeed. If you're paid for writing officially sanctioned fan fiction, is it still fan fiction? What's the difference between canon and fan fiction if both are created by paid writers publishing okay'd material? Will this published fan fiction come with less grammatical errors and typos? Only time will, Dear Readers, only time will tell.