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Wii U Virtual Console’s Trial Program Schedule

Even if the official WII U Virtual Console launch is still a few months away, Nintendo's 30th celebration of the Famicom is already under way. Balloon Fight already bought the balloons to the party for just a mere 30 cents and every other month till July will have a new title available. It might not be time for the spring update yet, but the schedule already looks ripe with classic games.

Here are the months for the games on the Wii U Virtual Console's trial program. All these games will cost just 30 cents for their first month of release.

January 23 to February 21: Balloon Fight (NES)
February 20 to March 21: F-Zero (SNES)
March 20 to April 18: Punch-Out! feat. Mr. Dream (NES)
April 17 to May 16: Kirby's Adventure (NES)
May 15 to June 13: Super Metroid (SNES)
June 12 to July 11: Yoshi (NES)
July 15 to August 13: Donkey Kong (NES)

I, for one, cannot wait for Ninja Gaiden’s trilogy to be released so I can finally finish it after two decades. 


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