The brand new trailer for Gears of War: Judgment has been named “The Guts of Gears,” and it’s meant to deliver a bit more information and footage regarding what Microsoft is calling “the most intense and action-packed ‘Gears‘ campaign yet.”
The trailer shows us some of the new “declassifying challenges,” which is a new element in Judgment that will give gamers a new set of rules and mechanics to play by in the game's main campaign.
In addition to the brand new trailer, Microsoft and Epic have announced that the launch copies of Gears of War: Judgment will include download tokens for the Games on Demand version of Gears of War. The original game is currently selling on Xbox LIVE in digital form for $19.99, so that is a great offer for people who have never played the original and could save themselves twenty bucks.
Gears of War: Judgment comes out on March 19 exclusively for the Xbox 360.