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27 Sells Out… Or Does It?

Yesterday, Shadowline -- An Image imprint -- released the first issue of 27, a story about an up and coming musician that's trying to make it to his 28th birthday. Frankly I forgot that it was released because I didn't see it on the shelves of my comic book shop -- DJ's Universal Comic's shout out. Then today I received a press release saying that the book had sold out at the distribution level which has been a growing trend with Image titles lately. Well it didn't strike any chords with me until I read an article on Bleeding Cool about how the book was sold out 2-3 weeks before it hit the shelves and that it's mostly due to a number of the books being damaged.

So why would Image say that the book is a success when some retails didn't even get the copies they ordered? If I print ten issues of a book and sell five and destroy the remaining five that doesn't mean I can say I was a successful sell out, yet that's kind of what Image is saying. They want the hype train to keep chugging so that they can do a second and even a third print. Hell, it's smart business and worked for DC for many years just look at Green Lantern Rebirth. The sad part is that the book is supposed to be really good, but now it has this tainted image of being something it's not. Regardless of the damaged books though, all of the first print issues have been sold to stores and a second printing is on the way.

27 #1 2nd PrintHere's the Image PR release:

Berkeley, CA - 3 December 2010 - Will Garland may not survive to see his 28th birthday, but he can go knowing that he's a star if the sellout of the first issue of Image Comics and Shadowline's 27 is any indication!

Because of high demand, 27 #1 is already sold out at the distribution level, so Image Comics is taking the book back to press. The second printing of 27 #1 will be in stores January 5, 2011, the same day as the second issue. 27 is a four-issue series is written by Charles Soule (Strongman) and drawn by Renzo Podesta (Hard Drive, Howard Lovecraft and the Frozen Kingdom) with covers by W. Scott Forbes (FORGETLESS). The book comes in the larger Golden Age format.

"The response to 27 has been amazing," exclaims Soule. "On behalf of the entire creative team, thank you to everyone who ordered the book, and thank you to everyone who has helped generate buzz for the book. It's been a blast so far, and we're just getting started!"

Shadowline Publisher Jim Valentino adds, "Charles and Renzo have done brilliant work on 27, and it deserves all the praise and attention it gets!"

In 27, the "27 Club" admits only the most brilliant musicians and artists -- and kills them dead in their 27th year. Will Garland is a famous rock guitarist, secretly unable to play for months due to a neurological disorder afflicting his left hand. He's also 27. With mad scientists, long dead rock legends and cosmic entities in his way, can he make it to 28?

27 #1 (of 4) Second Printing (OCT108111), a 32-page full-color comic book in the Golden Age format, will be in stores January 5, 2011, alongside 27 #2 (OCT100505).


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